Course image TMSWA23: Mbinu za Ufundishaji wa Kiswahili
Trimester 3

Moduli hii inakusudia kuwawezesha wanafunzi kuwa na maarifa na ujuzi wa kufundisha somo la Kiswahili kama lugha ya pili kwa wanafunzi wa shule za sekondari nchini Rwanda.

Hivyo basi, historiografia ya ufundishaji wa lugha ya pili kuanzia karne ya 19 inapitiwa. Hii inafanyika ili kuwawezesha wanafunzi kuzifahamu vema mbinu mbalimbali za ufundishaji wa lugha ya pili. Kwa kufanya hivyo, wanafunzi kama walimu tarajali watakuwa katika nafasi ya kuweza kuzifahamu kwa ukamilifu mbinu zote za ufundishaji wa lugha ya pili na hivyo kufanya uamuzi sahihi wa mbinu ipi inayofaa kutumiwa kutokana na mazingira wanayokutana nayo.

Aidha, uhusiano baina ya mbinu, mkabala na ufundi  au uhusiano baina ya mbinu, mkabala usanifu au uundaji na utaratibu pia umepitiwa. Mambo mbalimbali ya msingi katika ufundishaji wa lugha ya mazingatiwa. Mambo haya ni kama vile aina mbalimbali za mtaala, zana na nyenzo za ufundishaji, maandalio ya somo, malengo ya elimu nchini Rwanda na Malengo ya ufundishaji na ujifunzaji wa Kiswahili nchini Rwanda.

Course image TMLIT23: Literature in English Teaching Methods
Trimester 3

In a Learner-Centred orientation, and in using the CBA, various aspects of literature (oral literature, poetry, drama, prose fiction, non-fiction prose) will be taught : creation of resource materials that can help the teacher in teaching literature as a subject ; creation of activities that can help students to interact productively with literature texts and undertake various educational activities (lesson observation, micro-teaching, scheme of work, lesson plan...).

Course image TMKDA23: Imyigishirize y'Ururimi rw'Ikinyarwanda
Trimester 3

Umurimo wo kwigisha indimi cyane cyane wigisha ururimi benerwo ni umurimo ugomba kwitonderwa ukanononsorwa neza. Iyi mbumbanyigisho ikubiyemo amahange y'imyigire n'imyigishirize y'indimi ariko yibanda cyane cyane ku buryo n'inzira bikoreshwa mu kwigisha Ikinyarwanda. Igamije guha umunyeshuri ubushobozi buhagije bwo gutunganya imyigishirize y'Ikinyarwanda.

Course image TMHIS23: History Teaching Methods
Trimester 3

First and foremost the aim of this module is to provide students with the understanding of the specific methods of teaching History concepts, principles, theories, etc. including the whole process from lesson preparation, delivery and evaluation. Specific examples from both ordinary and advanced levels in History shall be used during the micro-teaching sessions.

Course image TMGEO23: Geography Teaching Methods
Trimester 3

Dear Students,

  • Welcome to this module is entitled Geography Teaching Methods, TM GEO 23. It aims to equip you as a future teacher the skills of ensuring geography teaching and learning process in your class. At the end of the module, you should be capable to teach geography in secondary schools after learning how to prepare geography lessons according to learners, choose appropriate methods to teach geography, manage classes, select appropriate teaching aids and prepare schemes of work and lesson plans in geography. 

  • We invite you to be actively involved in this module. Enjoy the learning!

Course image TMFRA21: Didactique du français langue étrangère
Trimester 3

L’objectif général de ce Module est la pratique de la classe de français fondée sur les nouvelles méthodes d’enseignement, principalement l’approche communicative et l’approche actionnelle. Il s’inscrit donc dans la perspective de l’enseignement du français langue étrangère, qui est la nouvelle option adoptée par le Ministère de l’Education après la réforme de l’enseignement au Rwanda de 2012 faisant du français une langue enseignée et non plus une langue d’enseignement.

Ce Module s’articule en 3 axes : l’historique des méthodologies d’enseignement du français, les objectifs généraux et l’organisation de la classe de français ainsi que la démarche méthodologique de chaque activité de l’enseignement/apprentissage du français au secondaire.

Course image TMENT23: Entrepreneurship Teaching Methods
Trimester 3

This module aims at providing students with an understanding of concepts and theories to teach effectively and efficiently Entrepreneurship at secondary school. It will provide students with a comprehensive practical dimensions of teaching Entrepreneurship including the whole process from lesson preparation, micro-teaching, delivery and evaluation. 


Course image TMENG23: English Teaching Methods
Trimester 3

Dear students,
Welcome to this module TMENG23. This module is concerned with specific teaching methods for English language. Although the methods that have been evolved to teach this discipline may be complex and different, the underlying ideas, principles, techniques and procedures on which they are based remain essentially the same. A general and powerful trend in language teaching methods tend to shift from teacher-based approaches to student-centered approaches. hence,  in line with the current Rwandan CBC, it is the students who need the practice and who need to explore study problems and not the teacher.

They have to be guided on how to react properly to different contexts and find out their own responses for their own lives.  

This module is designed for year  two students doing English as one of the subjects in their combinations.  

Module aim

The module aims to allow students to teach effectively and efficiently English as a language at both O-level and upper secondary level, explaining various theories in language teaching, explaining the general trends and nature of language education methodology, selecting  and using methods and techniques enabling learners to acquire linguistic competence and performance skills. It will enable students to effectively apply both deductive and inductive approaches to the teaching of English in Rwandan schools. Resources in language teaching and testing will be tackled too.

Module Learning Outcomes

1. To get insights on the developing nature and role of English Language teaching


2. To apply the appropriate approaches to be applied in the teaching of English,

     hence fitting the method to students not vice-versa,

3. To select and design teaching materials and using improvisation,

4. To design, prepare scheme of work and lesson plan, and be able to test and assess


Module Facilitators

1. Dr Tabaro Cyprien (Module Leader); E-mail:; Mobile:       +250789773250

2. Mr Nyandwi Gilbert; E-mail: .......................... Mobile: +250788464674

Course image SWA2345: Isimu Linganishi na Antropolojia ya Kiswahili
Trimester 3

Malengo ya Moduli

Madhumuni ya kozi hii ni kumwezesha mwanafunzi kufafanua dhana muhimu na kueleza nadharia zinazohitajika katika kuchanganua na kuchunguza lugha mbalimbali kwa kuzilnganisha, kuzinganua na kuzianisha pia. 

Course image LIT2345: Modern World Prose
Trimester 3

This module is designed to bring a broad and integrated understanding of literary movements and representative samples of modern time – that is the 16th, the 17th, the 18th and the 19th centuries. The module focalizes on different renown authors. When students read the module content details very well they will know many authors from all continents and many countries. However, some novels, novellas, and short stories (as well as nonfictional prose) have worked well in both modern and contemporary literature in any part of the world. When they look at the doc availed to them and called “Examples of Prose Writers” they will see good examples which may even include some of the ones they have been reading. This module will help to open them to different outlooks of literary experiences as these are presented and articulated in fictional and nonfictional prose literature. They will also be exposed to different literary ideas, concepts and techniques utilized by various authors. Due to some practical reasons – e.g. module’s length and our trimester timetable – our focus will be on only one novel called Pride and Prejudice and written by Jane Austen and published in 1813.  Students will also be exposed to different outlooks of literary experiences, and they will be exposed to different literary elements as well as different literary devices and techniques. All these underlie educational values derived from literary studies.

Course image HIS2345: World after 1945
Trimester 3

The module familiarizes the students with historical facts from 1945 up to date.  It gives a panoramic view of the world after 1945 allowing understanding the main events happened in the second half of the 20th century such as the aftermath of WWII, Thirty Glorious, Breton Wood System, Cold War, Third World countries and Globalization.  It is intended to enable students to apply teaching and learning skills and knowledge related to World History after 1945.

Course image GEO2345: Rural – Urban Geography
Trimester 3

This module is entitled Rural – Urban Geography, GEO 2345. It aims to develop your knowledge on urban and rural environment so that you can formulate appropriate responses to resolve problems related to rural and urban dynamics and apply relevant knowledge and skills in your daily life either in rural or urban activities.

Course image FRA3244: Eléments d’Analyse du Texte Littéraire
Trimester 3

Introduction Générale

1. Message de bienvenue

Bienvenues dans le module FRA 3144:Eléments d’Analyse du Texte Littéraire.

Ce module vous permet d'acquérir une compétence approfondie  vous permettant de découvrir l’implicite du texte littéraire, identifier les différentes approches de la critique littéraire, aborder un texte selon différentes approches de la critique littéraire, rédiger des commentaires composés sur des textes littéraires et faire des dissertations sur des sujets donnés en appliquant les techniques apprises.

2. Objectifs

        Ce module vise à entraîner les étudiants aux méthodes et techniques de la dissertation et du commentaire composé. Il vise également à les préparer aux exercices de critique littéraire.

3. Résultats d’apprentissage attendus

A la fin de ce module, l’étudiant sera capable de :

       i. identifier les différentes approches de la critique littéraire

ii. acquérir une compétence approfondie qui lui permet de découvrir l’implicite du texte littéraire

iii. lire et interpréter des sujets de dissertation.

4. Facilitateurs

Dr Yanzigiye Béatrice

Tel.: 0788504244

Mr. Musemakweli Boney-Pie




Course image ENT2345: Human Resources Management
Trimester 3

This module intends to explain the employees' life within the organisation for the mutual performance. The main of this module is to support you to develop Human Resource Management (HRM) knowledge and skills.  The information that underpins the knowledge will be of use to you as you discover the body of legislation related to HRM.  The skills that you develop will equip you to deal with employees in an organization in the day-to-day functions of HRM.  Both knowledge and skills are informed by the integral values that underlie workplace ethics.

Course image ENG2345: Language and Society
Trimester 3


This module is offered to students of Year II who are doing different combinations containing English as a subject. These include FEE, KEE, SEE, ELE, EDE, SNE....

Its aim is to provide students with an understanding of how language operates as interaction in social groups and to consider key themes in sociolinguistics and their relevance to language education, especially English Language teaching and learning. It is designed to raise awareness of sociolinguistic issues relevant to language teachers, and to provide a general theoretical framework to aid the analysis of language teaching contexts.

The content of this module is divided into four Units distributed into two main parts.

 Note: Before you enrol to this module, you must have passed the Module ENG 1141 because it is a pre-requesite module for the present one.


Mr Ides Mukama ( ; 0788537811)

Dr Epimaque Niyibizi (; 0788590177)

Course image FRA2345: Linguistique Appliquée à l’Enseignement du Français
Trimester 3

Introduction Générale

1. Message de bienvenue

Bienveu/es au module FRA 3141:Linguistique Appliquée à l’Enseignement du Français

2. Objectifs

Ce module vise à faire acquérir aux étudiants des compétences de compréhension de la nécessité et de l’utilité d’enseigner le FLE en tenant compte des besoins des apprenants mais aussi des contraintes inhérentes à la mission du Collège de l’Education. Il vise également à décrire les notions de base de sociolinguistique et de psycholinguistique et à les appliquer dans l’enseignement du FLE. Enfin il permet aux étudiants de pouvoir mener une enquête sociolinguistique en didactique du FLE au Rwanda.

3.Résultats d’apprentissage attendus

A la fin de ce module, l’étudiant sera capable de :

i. Comprendre que la sociolinguistique envisage l’étude de la langue dans ses dimensions sociales ;

ii. comprendre l’impact qu’a eu la sociolinguistique sur l’enseignement des langues en général et sur celui du français langue étrangère en particulier ;

iii. connaître les techniques d’enquête de la sociolinguistique

iv. définir et expliquer les notions de base de la psycholinguistique

v. comprendre l’impact de la psycholinguistique sur la didactique des langues en général et sur celle du français langue étrangère en particulier.

4. Facilitateurs

Musemakweli Boney-Pie

Tél. 0788586932


Rugugana Aimable

Tél :0785284832

Email :