Course image Study of Major Literary Genres
Year 2

This module consists of 20 credits. It exposes you to major genres of literature such as oral tradition, some of creative nonfiction, fiction, poetry and Drama. You will explore some of the great literary writers – authors, poets, dramatists from diverse cultures and epochs in the world.  In each of these genres, you will have an opportunity to carry out literary analysis in the light of basic literary elements such as plot, character, setting and language use.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this module, you will be able to: 

Explain major genres of literature and why we study it.

Identify basic Literary generic elements. 

Explain how the main three genres of literature depict the past and present society.

Evaluate stylistic techniques used  in major literary works.

Analyse human values drawn from diverse works from any of the four major genres.

Conduct discussions on different authors from diverse cultures and epochs.

Create a literary work of your own.