Course image SWA2244: Drama na Fasihi Simulizi ya Kiswahili na Kiafrika
Trimester 2

Moduli hii ya Drama katika Elimu inakusudiwa kutalii nafasi ya drama kama nyenzo ya kufanikisha malengo mbalimbali ya elimu. Ieleweke kuwa  elimu huweza kufasiliwa kama  uwezo wa kukabiliana na hali mbalimbali ambazo mtu hukutana nazo katika maisha. Zaidi ya hivyo, tunazingatia pia kuwa malengo makuu ya elimu siyo maarifa bali vitendo. Hapa ndipo  drama inapoonekana kuhitajika ili kufanikisha malengo makuu ya elimu. Hii ni kwa kuwa msingi mkuu wa usanaa katika drama ni vitendo. Kutokana na drama kuegemezwa katika vitendo, dhana ya drama katika moduli hii imetumika kwa maana pana kujumuisha aina zote za sanaa tendaji ambazo msingi wa uzuri wake wa kisanaa unajitokeza katika vitendo peke yake au vitendo pamoja na maneno.

Felician Nkwera (?) katika andiko lake la Tamrini za Fasihi, anatupatia msingi mzuri katika kuielewa maana ya sanaa na sanaa tendaji. Ijapokuwa katika aina zake tatu za sanaa tendaji (sanaa za vitendo, sanaa za maonesho, na sanaa za maumbo), tunakubaliana na aina mbili tu kuwa ndiyo zinafaa kuangukia katika sanaa tendaji. Aina hizi ni sanaa za vitendo pamoja na sanaa za maonesho, aidha, hatukubaliani na kutofautishwa kwa sanaa za vitendo na sanaa za maonesho kama alivyofanya Nkwera. Hii ni kwa kuwa zile anazoziita sanaa za vitendo na sanaa za maonesho zote kwa pamoja zinadhihirisha utendaji. Zaidi ya hivyo uzuri wake unajiokeza kupitia utendai/utendekaji. Hata mifano anayoitoa ya aina hizi mbili za  inaonekana kuingiliana. Kwa mfano, matambiko, michezo ya watoto, jando na unyago inaonekana kujitokeza kwa aina zote mbili za sanaa. Hivyo  katika moduli hii, aina hizi mbili za sanaa zinarejelewa kwa ujumla kama sanaa tendaji.

Mlaga (2017) anaeleza kuwa drama ni dhana pana ambayo ndani yake hujumuisha dhana mbalimbali zinazohusiana na uigizaji (maigizo). Katika maana hii ya jumla ndipo tunapokutana na aina mbalimbali za drama kama vile tamthilia, filamu, michezo ya runingani, michezo ya redioni, vichekesho, futuhi/komedi, utambaji hadithi, michezo ya watoto, Ngonjera, vibonzo jongefu, na jando na unyago kwa uchache. Katika mifano hii, tumezingatia kuwa kuna tanzu au vipera ambavyo ndani yake kuna udrama  kwa maana ya kuwa kuna aina fulani ya uigizaji. Tanzu au vipera vyenye sifa hizi, huweza kuanishwa katika tanzu tofauti.

Wafula (2003) naye anaeleza kuwa  "Katika kitabu hiki, neno drama litatumika kumaanisha somo linalohusu uigizaji wa hali fulani iwe ni vitendo au tabia au hisia za binadamu kwa kufuata taratibu maalumu." Katika maelezo haya yote mkazo upo katika vitendo. Hivyo basi kinachofanya drama ni kitendo kilichopo kwani mazungumzo peke yake hayafanyi drama.

Hivyo drama ni nyenzo muhimu sana katika kufanikisha malengo ya kielimu. Moduli hii inakusudiwa kuyadhihirisha haya yote kwa kujiegemeza katika aina mbalimbali za drama.

Course image SWA2243: Sintaksia ya Kiswahili na Uchanganuzi Usemi
Trimester 2

Moduli hii inatarajia kumwezesha mwanafunzi kufafanua dhana muhimu, kueleza na kutumia nadharia za srufi katika kufanikisha uchunguzi na uchambuzi wa sentensi na usemi katika lugha ya Kiswahili. 

Course image LIT3142 : Literary Theory and Criticism
Trimester 2

Literary theory is a description of various tools which help to understand literature. It allows you to formulate the relationship between author and his/her work. With the module, you will be able to trace the history and the evolution of different genres of lietrature, prose fiction, drama, poetry ...

Course image LIT2244: Play Analysis
Trimester 2

By the end of the entire module, students should be able to understand and apply practically play analysis. It is also crucial for students and professional teacher trainees literary elements as well as devices and techniques which are used in a play which is part and partial of drama. The initial and most important point is that drama is important in knowing and doing the professional teaching of language at various levels of education. However, drama can also be practically applied in the teaching of other subjects at various levels of education.

Course image LIT2243: Non Fictional Prose
Trimester 2

LIT2243 is a 10 credits course taught year two students in the Literature in English with Education combinations. Students are exposes to a wide variety of genres and rhetorical situations; bringing a broad and integrated understanding of educational components in non-fictional prose in terms of style; characterization, setting, plot and literary language use. It is a broad survey of non-fiction prose which underlies educational values derived from literary study.  The course will help learners to develop writing skills, reading and text interpretation skills. 

Course image KDA2243: Iyiganteruro n'Isesenguramvugo by'Ikinyarwanda
Trimester 2

Iyi mbumbanyigisho yibanda ku mahange y'Iyiganteruro; yiga kandi ku nteruro yoroheje n'iy'urusobe ndetse n'isesenguramvugo by'Ikinyarwanda.

Iyi mbumbanyigisho rero ikubiyemo amahame rusange n'amahange anyuranye byifashishijwe mu gusesengura interuro; igaragaza kandi isano iri hagati y'Iyigantego n'Iyiganteruro; hakubiyemo kandi n'imimaro y'amagambo mu nteruro yoroheje ndetse no mu nteruro y'urusobe, imimaro y'ingaragira mu nteruro y'urusobe. hazigwamo kandi Isesenguramvugo hibandwa ku myandiko inyuranye n'uturango twayo  

Course image HIS2244: Great World Revolutions and Wars
Trimester 2

The module Great Revolutions and Wars aims at making students acquainted with great world contemporary events that occurred during the first half of 20th century. It includes great world revolutions, economic crises, totalitarian regimes and the two world wars.  It will help students to understand the interrelation and interdependence of those great world historical events from great revolutions to the end of World War II. 

Course image HIS2243: Medieval and Modern Times History
Trimester 2

This module aims at enabling students to get knowledge and understanding of the medieval and modern times’ societies. It deals with the main events and changes of the middle ages (early, high and late Middle Ages) and modern times societies including the developments in Europe as well as its contacts to the rest of the world. 

It is subdivided into two major units. Unit 1 is about the Medieval times while Unit 2 is about Modern Times. For more details, refer to the module description.

Course image GEO2243: Regional Geography
Trimester 2

Welcome to this module.

 The module is entitled Regional Geography, GEO 2243. It aims to give students knowledge on the seven continents of the world. You will explore the physical and human features of each continent. The physical features include the main morphological units, the climate, vegetation and drainage. For the human features, you will get the opportunity to acquire knowledge demography and urbanisation, various economic activities including agriculture, fishing, mining, energy, industry, trade, transport, communication and tourism. The aspect of regional integration will allow you to establish the benefits and challenges of the cooperation between the continents.    

Course image GEO2142: Environmental Geography
Trimester 2

This module examines interlinkages between human and natural systems. It combines parts of human geography and physical geography, serving not only as an important link between the two but also generates new understandings of the ways environment and society are related and affect each other.

Course image FRA2244 :Théâtre et enseignement du français langue étrangère
Trimester 2

Bievenus au cours  de Théâtre et enseignement du français langue étrangère !

Ce module vise à vous  aider  à développer  les savoir faire communicatifs à l’aide des activités théâtrales et à améliorer sa production écrite par la composition de petits textes dramatiques et la personnalisation d’une œuvre dramatique.

Il comprend quatre  parties essentielles :

-          Les fonctions sociales du théâtre et la place du théâtre dans l’enseignement du FLE ;

-          Le linguistique et l’extralinguistique par le théâtre

-          Lecture de textes théâtraux;

-          Production et présentation des saynètes sur base d’un thème issu d’un texte théâtral et d’extraits de romans.

L'équipe du module  : Mr. MUSEMAKWELI B-Pie ( Responsable),,0788586932

                                   Mr. RUGIGANA Aimable , /,0785284832

Course image FRA2243: Production écrite en français
Trimester 2

 Ce module vise à améliorer vos compétences en orthographe française, à écrire en respectant la ponctuation, à résumer un texte, à prendre des notes de lecture   à partir d’un discours oral, à rédiger un texte qui respecte les règles de la cohérence et de la cohésion, à rédiger une lettre formelle et à vous initier à l’écriture créative

Course image FRA2142:Littérature Africaine d’Expression Française
Trimester 2

Ce module vise à aider l’étudiant à repérer des indices, établir des liens, mettre en relation les informants du texte en vue d’en déduire des significations. Il vise également à l’aider à expliciter et défendre sa position sur les intentions des poètes, des dramaturges et des romanciers de la littérature africaine francophone. Enfin ce module va permettre aux étudiants d’analyser les éléments linguistiques relatifs aux thèmes des textes et d’exprimer leur point de vue sur les différents types de violence décrits par la littérature africaine francophone

Course image ENT2244: Cost and Management Accounting
Trimester 2

This module will provide students with an understanding of cost and management accounting and highlights also cost and management accounting Information for Decision-making, management process and accounting, Budget and budgetary control.


Course image ENT2243: Business Law
Trimester 2

This module is designed to provide  to year 2 students with an understanding of the nature, meaning and purpose of law in conducting business.


Course image ENG2244: Drama in Education
Trimester 2

The purpose of this module is to enable Year 3 students in the Department of Humanities and Language Education, School of Education, UR-College of Education, to understand and describe drama/theatre as a living and entertaining art form of Literature – considering that drama is one of the major genres of Literature. The module should also enable students to appreciate drama as an educational tool for the improvement of the individual, and to introduce them to various forms of drama and dramatic techniques for effective sensitization of the audience and to different African drama texts and major classic plays (especially European ones).

Course image ENG2243: English Literacy Skills Development
Trimester 2

This module ENG2243 introduces you to literacy and literacy domains that are commonly used in your daily life. It aims at helping you to develop your literacy knowledge and skills and use these in different areas of daily life. The module focuses on reading, writing and designing different kinds of texts in different literacy domains: academic, school, digital and research. Such texts include essays, reports, digital texts, academic articles, internet sources, and newspaper articles just to mention a few.

Course image ECO2345: International Trade
Trimester 2

The content of this module will provide students with an understanding of theory and practice of international economics, role of World Trade Organization(WTO) in international trade, international trade agreements and trade blocks.

Course image ECO2244: Money and Banking
Trimester 2

The content of this module will provide to students an understanding of evolution of money, the supply and demand for Money as well as monetary policies. It will help also students to be aware of the Banking system and get involved in the international monetary system.