Course image TMFRE21: Didactique du Français (French Teaching Methods)
Trimester 1

Soyez tous les bienvenus à ce module intitulé Didactique du Français  (French Teaching Methods).

Ce module vise à vous préparer à enseigner le cours de français au secondaire.

 Le module sera abordé en deux parties:

1. Théorie relative à l’enseignement du français

2. Micro-enseignement du français


L'équipe du module:

1. Mr BAZIRAKE Jean Marie Vianney,, 0788459317, (Responsable du module)

2. Mr NSABUMUREMYI Léonce,, 0788666833  

Trimester 1

Moduli hii inakusudiwa kumuwezesha mwanafunzi kufanya tathimini ya maendeleo ya riwaya, hadithi fupi na ushairi wa Kiswahili. Aidha, moduli hii inakusudia kumuwezesha mwanafunzi kuwa na uwezo wa kufanya uhakiki wa riwaya, hadithi fupi na ushairi wa Kiswahili kwa kuzingatia  mikondo mbalimbali ya kisisasa na kijamii. 

Moduli hii ina jumla ya sehemu mbili: Nathari Bunilizi za Kiswahili katika sehemu ya Kwanza na Ushairi wa Kiswahili katika sehemu ya pili. Hivyo basi, sehemu hizi mbili zimegawanywa katika mada  zifuatazo:

1. Mada ya Kwanza inahusiana na Dhana za Bunilizi na Nathari

2. Mada ya pili ni Mwanzo wa Nathari Bunilizi Andishi 

3. Mada ya Tatu ni Maana ya Riwaya na Sifa za Riwaya za Kiswahili za Mwanzoni

4. Mada ya nne ni Mikondo na aina ya Riwaya za Riwaya ya Kiswahili

5.  Hadithi Fupi ya Kiswahili na Maendeleo Yake

6.  Nathari Bunilizi kama Nyenzo za Ufundishaji wa Lugha: Mfano wa Hadithi Fupi na Riwaya

5. Maana ya ushairi na Sifa bainifu za ushairi

7. Bahari za Ushairi wa Kiswahili

8. Historia Fupi ya Ushairi wa Kiswahili

9. Uhakiki wa  riwaya, hadithi fupi na Ushairi

Course image SWA2141: Mofolojia ya Kiswahili
Trimester 1

Moduli hii (SWA2141) inahusu Mofolojia ya Kiswahili. Ni moduli inayolenga kumwezesha mwanafunzi kufanya uchunguzi wa kina katika kueleza na kufafanua muundo wa lugha ya Kiswahili. Hivyo, Moduli hii inazingatia sehemu yenye kugusia kategoria za maneno ya Kiswahili au aina za maneno ya Kiswahili, Muundo wa nomino, vivumishi, viwakilishi na vitenzi. Aidha, ili kuelewa vizuri maumbo ya maneno ya Kiswahili moduli hii inazingatia pia sehemu itakayochunguza kanuni zinazotumika katika kuungabisha vipashio vidogo ili kuunda vipashio vikubwa vyenye maana na maneno katika Kiswahili.

Course image LIT2142: Novel and Short Story
Trimester 1

The module 'Novel and Short Story' is designed to bring you a broader and integrated understanding of educational components of narratives of fictional prose in terms of style; characterization, setting, plot and literary language use. It is a broad survey of fictional prose, which underlie educational values derived from literary study. It will however broaden the title as it touches other fictitious narratives like novella, tales, farce or the like.

Course image LIT2141: POETRY
Trimester 1

The purpose of this module is to enable Year 2 students in the Department of Humanities and Language Education to understand, explain and describe the different approaches to literary theory in the study and appreciation of poetry from or with an educational orientation. The module will also involve methodological approaches to the analysis, compilation, study, and evaluation of various aspects and features of oral poetry and cultural performance, all of which make poetry a distinctive genre of literature.  

Course image KDA2142: Inkuru mu Buvanganzo Nyarwanda
Trimester 1

Iyi mbumbanyigisho igamije gutuma umunyeshuri ashobora kuvuga icyo inkuru ari cyo ayigereranyije n'izindi ngeri z'ubuvanganzo z'Ikinyarwanda no gusobanura amateka y'inkuru mu buvanganzo nyarwanda.

Course image LIT2142: Survey of African Literture
Trimester 1

This module covers different genres of literature around Africa continent (Prose fiction, Poetry and Drama). During  this trimester II, you will have to read different works from various genres and you will analyse them accordingly. hence, you will have to use your free time to read the selected literary works and then use class sessions for presentations and discussions.

Course image HIS2142: Ancient Civilizations
Trimester 1

This module aims at introducing students to important ancient world civilizations that shaped world history until the time when the Medieval (Modern) Period emerged. Indeed, in particularity, it analyses the Mediterranean civilizations (Rome, Mesopotamia, Greece, and Jewish), Asian civilizations (China, Japan, India), and Pre-Colombian civilizations (Maya, Aztec and Inca).    

Course image FRA2141: Linguistique et Grammaire Textuelle
Trimester 1

Chers étudiants, chères étudiantes,

 Soyez les bienvenu(e)s à ce module !


Le nouveau module auquel vous êtes invité(e)s est FRA 2141 : Linguistique et grammaire textuelle. Ce module vise à vous doter des compétences pour comprendre et expliquer les fondements de la linguistique moderne et  les domaines de la linguistique française. Il vise également à vous fournir les capacités qui vont vous permettre de construire un texte qui respecte les règles de la  cohérence textuelle et de la cohésion du texte.


Contacts des facilitateurs:

1. Bazirake Jean-Marie Vianney

Téléphone: 0788459317


2. Tuvuzimpundu Joséphine

Téléphone: 0781548336



Course image ENT2141: Financial Management
Trimester 1

This module will provide students with an understanding of the basic key principles, importance, methods and techniques and issues of Finance, provide them with a solid ground in issues of finance as they relate to business and financial markets. it will also introduce students to investment appraisal techniques, capital structure and cost of capital, dividend policy and financial ratio analysis.

Course image ENG2142: Prose Fiction and Poetry
Trimester 1

Poetry, form of literature, spoken or written, that emphasizes rhythm, other intricate patterns of sound and imagery, and the many possible ways that words can suggest meaning. The word itself derives from a Greek word, poesis, meaning “making” or “creating.” Whereas ordinary speech and writing, called prose, are organized in sentences and paragraphs, poetry in its simplest definition is organized in units called lines as well as in sentences, and often in stanzas, which are the paragraphs of poetry. The way a line of poetry is structured can be considered a kind of garment that shapes and clothes the thought within it. (Encarta)

Course image ENG2141: Language Acquisition in Multilingual Settings
Trimester 1

This module introduces you to traditional and modern theories of language acquisition, and  challenges these theories, which cannot account for language acquisition in multilingual settings of the world.  After introducing theories of first and second language acquisition, different issues in language acquisition in today’s world settings will be explored; these include English in contact situations, monolingual versus multilingual acquisition, cognition, versus context, individual versus community, fixity versus fluidity, non-native versus native varieties and the roles they play in language acquisition in the current global context.

Course image ELI2142:Writing Techniques
Trimester 1

The module aims at equipping ELE students with basic specialised linguistic skills that are needed for them to write creatively using a variety of expressions.

Course image ECO2142: Intermediate Macroeconomics
Trimester 1

This course of intermediate macroeconomics is related to the students of year two in the third trimester.  The content of this module provides students with a broad overview of intermediate level economic analysis, theory and provides a foundation for the more advanced macroeconomic policy.At the end of this course the student will be able to use  a range of routine and specialized skills associated with intermediate  macroeconomics theory and use a range of applications to process and obtain data related to intermediate macroeconomics.

Course image ECO2141: Intermediate Microeconomics
Trimester 1

The content of this module provides students with a broad overview of intermediate level economic analysis, theory and provides a foundation for the more advanced economic policy. The material is built around the study of economic agents (e.g. consumers and producers) maximizing objectives (e.g. utility or profits) in an environment of economic constraints (e.g. income or costs).

Course image ENT2142: Project Planning and Management
Trimester 1

The aim of this module  is to introduce students to concepts, theories  and techniques used in the project management approach. The objective of this course is to familiarize the students with procedures of establishing a new project and with tools and techniques of managing the project effectively. The emphasis of this course will be on the development of analytical and managerial skills necessary for effective and dependable solution of the problems that hinders development