Course image SWA3243: Uhakiki wa Kifasihi, Elimumitindo, na Uandishi wa Bunilizi
Trimester 2

Moduli hii yenye anwani ya "Uhakiki wa Kifasihi, Elimumitindo na Uandishi wa Bunilizi" ina sehemu kuu mbili. Sehemu ya kwanza inahusiana na nadharia za uhakiki wa fasihi na sehemu ya pili inahusiana na uandishi wa bunilizi.

Katika sehemu ya kwanza, moduli hii inajikita katika kutalii maana ya nadharia, sifa za nadharia, maana ya nadharia za uhakiki na tofauti yake na nadharia ya fasihi na uhakiki. Dhana muhimu kama vile mhakiki na uhakiki zinashughulikiwa pia. Aidha, nadharia za uhakiki zinagawanywa kwa namna zinavyohusiana katika makundi makuu manne. Kila nadharia iliyopo kwa kila kundi inafafanuliwa  huku mihimili yake ikiwekwa bayana. Mkaza unawekwa katika kumfundisha mwanafunzi namna ya kuzitumia nadharia katika kufanya uhakiki. Katika sehemu hii ya kwanza, pia  kuna mada nyingine zinzohusiana na fasihi ya watoto na fasihi linganishi.

Sehemu ya pili inamakinika zaidi na ujifunzaji wa utunzi wa kazi za kubuni au bunilizi kama taaluma. Hivyo, inaoneshwa ni kwa namna gani mtu anaweza kujifunza bunilizi na kuepuka mtazamo potofu kuwa watunzi wa bunilizi ni wale tu waliozaliwa wakiwa na vipaji. Katika sehemu hii, suala pia la uandishi mzuri linapewa kipaumbele. Hii inafanyika kwa kuweka mkazo katika mambo mawili: uandishi sahihi na uzingatiaji wa wa kiwango cha juu cha usanifu.

Kwa hakika, moduli hii inaweka mkazo zaidi katika nadharia na vitendo. Maarifa pasipo kujua namna ya kuyatumia hayana maana yeyote katika dunia ya sasa.

Course image LIT3243: Modern and Contemporary World Prose
Trimester 2

The module is designed to bring a broad and integrated understanding of modern and contemporary literary movements. It will cover the XVIth, XVIIth, XVIIIth, XIXth, XXth and XXIst Centuries. It will focalize on different renown authors such as: Samuel Richardson, Mary Shelley, Jane Austen, William Golding, the Brönte sisters, Conrad, Charles Dickens. Lawrence, Joyce, Hemingway, Baldwin, F., Scott Fitzgerald, Thomas Hardy, Albert Camus, G. Orwell, Faulkner, F. Dostoivsky, Arthur Koestler, Oscar Wilde…  It will help to open the learners to different outlooks of literary experiences. They will be exposed to different literary techniques utilized by the writers.

Course image KDA3244: Ikeshamvugo n'ihangamwandiko mvanganzo by'Ikinyarwanda
Trimester 2

Iyi mbumbanyigisho izafasha abanyeshuri gusobanukirwa neza no gusobanura inshoza y'ikeshamvugo n'inozamvugo; isano y'ikeshamvugo n'iyigandimi. Umunyeshuri abona ubushbozi bwo gusesengura umwandiko yifashishije amahange y'ijoranganzo; azasobanukirwa kandi n'ingingo z'ibanze mu ihangamwandiko mvanganzo n'uburyo bwo gukuza impano mu nzira z'ihimbamwandiko zose. 

Course image HIS3243: Regional and International Relations
Trimester 2


1. Welcome Message

Welcome to this course. It is a 20 credits module comprised both face to face session and online activities. It will be assessed in 3 stages: a group assignment out of 25 marks, an individual continuous assessment test of 25 marks and a final exam of 50 marks.

2. The module’s Aim:

This module is intended to enable students to get knowledge about theories and systems of International Relations and it will enlighten the world contemporary issues.  A particular attention is also paid to the issues in History of African Great Lakes Region

3. Intended Learning Outcomes

Having successfully completed the module, you should be able to demonstrate knowledge, understanding and skill of debating the following items:

  1. Understanding main theories, concepts and systems of International Relations
  2. Determining international issues marking contemporary history
  3.  Explain main political, economic, social and cultural changes of contemporary African Great Lakes

4. Module facilitator contacts 

Dr Philibert Gakwenzire, tel: 0788417815, e-mail: philibertogakwenzire@gmail.comMr Runyange Albert, tel: 0788523596, e-mail: 

5. Teaching and Learning activities: 

Dear students, this module is made of units. You will find notes and you will read them before you can compute any quiz or assignment. Each unit will guide you into this exercise. If you have a question, post it in forum or contact your facilitator.


6. Tasks: how to get started

The following activities (E-tivity or Assignment) need your attention. Before you do them, read first. Go into notes or links and follow carefully instructions before you come back to attempt these activities. If you have any question, post it in the forum within the Unit.


7. Assessment

You will be requested to do E-tivities or assignments or participate in forums. 

- Online quizzes           : 20%

- Practical                     : 20%

- Online participation   : 10%

- Final Examination       : 50% (students must pass continuous assessment Test)

Course image GEO3243: Hydro-Tropical Geomorphology
Trimester 2

This module aims to give to the student a deep knowledge of terrestrial water, hydrological cycle, hydrologic phenomena, hydrologic balance and the contribution of precipitation to the terrestrial water, factors and processes of tropical landforms and soils development, products of weathering, denudation processes in the inter-tropical zone, and tropical landforms. It deals mainly with the study of the components of the hydrologic balance and the tropical landscapes development.

Course image FRA3243: Sémantique, lexicologie et traduction
Trimester 2

Le présent module vise à fournir aux apprenants les outils nécessaires leur permettant d’appréhender les notions relatives à la sémantique, à la pragmatique, à la psycholinguistique, à la lexicologie, à la terminologie et à la traduction. Il ne sera aucunement question d’entrer dans le menu détail de chaque concept, ce qui demanderait beaucoup de temps dont on ne dispose même pas. Ce sera plutôt le lieu de passer en revu certains éléments que nous jugeons utiles pour quelqu’un qui appelé à enseigner les sciences du langage.

Le module sera appréhendé en deux grands moments selon les regroupements suivants : I) Sémantique, pragmatique et psycholinguistique et II) Lexicologie, terminologie et traduction.

Course image ENT3243: Management and Marketing of Small and Medium Entreprises
Trimester 2

This Module of Management and Marketing of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is a core module which carries twenty (20) credit units. It is prepared and made available to all year three undergraduate students in Entrepreneurship Economics Education Programme, in the School of Humanities and Language Education (HLE) within School of Education at University of Rwanda. This course is a useful material to regular students in their academic pursuit and to novice managers and administrators as well as in their workplace.

Course image ENT 3204: Public Finance
Trimester 2

1. Welcome message

Dear students, welcome to this module entitled Auditing ENP 3204. Please read this page to get more information about the module. 

 2. Facilitators 

Mr Safari John Birekeraho

Mr Pascal Buregeya



Tel 0782224381 

Tel 0788357862

2. Module outline

Dear students, welcome to this module entitled Auditing ENP 3204. Please read this page to get more information about the module. 

a. Module Learning outcomes

At the end of this module, learners will be able to demonstrate;

 A specialized knowledge with depth in auditing concepts and International Standards in Auditing (ISAs)

-   A deep understanding of the importance of auditing concepts and International Standards in Auditing (ISAs) 

b. Indicative contents

This module will cover the following units:

Unit 1: Introduction to Auditing

Unit 2: Overview of the audit process 

Unit 3: The Auditor in a legal and professional environment

Unit 4: The internal control system


3. Mode of delivery

This module has 10 credits. It will be conducted in blended mode, where you are requested to read all given information and interact with colleagues via given forums and attempt quizzes/assessments at end of unit of the module.

Face to face hours will be 30, blended mode will be 68 and 2 hours for final examination.

4. Assessment patterns

At the end of every unit, they will be an activity to be done by all students. You may be asked to participate in a given discussion forum, work independently on the assignments or attempt the quizzes.

5. Modules references:

Refer to the indicative contents of this module, read attached files and websites attached on each unit.

Course image ENG3243: Stylistics and Creative writing
Trimester 2

The main aim of this module is to introduce you to the theory and practice of stylistics; and then to creative writing.  The module is structured into four sections. The first section is about ‘Understanding style and stylistics’It provides you with background on the concepts of style and stylistics, the nature and goals of stylistics as well as types of stylistics. The second section ‘Stylistic analysis’, introduces you to different scholars’ views on the term analysis. We shall see analysis through the essential levels of linguistic description of a text. These include the phono-graphological, the syntactic and the lexico-semantic levels. It also introduces you to cohesion and coherence as well as foregroundingSection three, ‘Literary techniques’, provides different literary techniques used in literature. The fourth section ‘creative writing’ introduces you to theory and practice of creative writing

Course image ENG3243: Applied Linguistics and Language teaching
Trimester 2

Dear students,

Welcome to this module that provides with you insights on applied linguistics and language teaching. The module aims to cover applied linguistics and second language acquisition/learning theories, stages in second language acquisition/learning, language learning and teaching, factors affecting second language learning, contrastive analysis and error analysis, factors affecting second language learning; and finally have an overview on language testing and assessment

Hope you will enjoy the course!

Course image ECO3243: Introduction to Statistics and Econometrics
Trimester 2


This module ECO3243 Statistics and Econometrics, is a module of  20 credits, taught in year 3, trimester 2. It equips students with the knowledge and skills required in solving day to day economic phenomena. This module presents a clear and a concise introduction to statistics and econometrics. Besides, the content of this module is very useful in the daily life situation. 


Course image ENG3141: Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching
Trimester 2
This module guides you to discover Applied Linguistics by focusing on second language teaching and learning. It facilitates you to practice various theories of the second language acquisition and predict their implication in teaching and learning English in Rwanda and abroad. 
Course image TMECO23: Economics Teaching Methods
Trimester 2

This module examines the meaning of Economics, Economics Education and it also considers the importance and problems facing Economics Teaching. It presents the total plan of instruction which consists of the curriculum of Economics, the preparation of Economics syllabus and pitfalls of syllabus construction, Economics scheme of work, Economics lesson planning, presentation and evaluation. It analyses the different techniques and methods of teaching Economics, the teaching aids in Economics, the teacher of Economics and Micro-teaching.