Hello dear students,
welcome to this module of pediatrics. During this module you will learn how to assess, recognize, manage and/or refer a patient in pediatric department. Starting from history taking and physical examination, required investigations and appropriate management.
A review of your courses of applied anatomy and physiology, physical diagnosis and pharmacology will be very helpful.
during this course you will need to complete a reflective journal with weekly entries to help you reflect on what you have learned and how to put it into practice. You will submit the reflective journal for grading at the of the module. It will be marked at 10% of the total marks.
The summative assessment will be in form of an MCQs quiz at the end of the module, however you will be marked as well on your participation in the discussion forum, on your group works and small MCQs quiz during the period of the module.
Finally, your feedback is important to us to improve the learning environment and better help achieve the intended learning outcomes, at the end of every topic you will be required to complete a short survey for feedback which will be used in the future.
Thank you and welcome.
Module team
This course is designed to teach students how to solve problems strategically. In particular, it demonstrates how to solve problems using an 8-step, data- and analysis-driven approach to clearly articulating the problem and objective, conducting a root cause analysis, generating and selecting solutions, planning for implementation and evaluation, and finally, implementing and evaluating the solution. This process mirrors the Plan-Do-Study-Act quality cycle, a fundamental principle of health care quality improvement.
The purpose of this clinical module is to provide learners with the scientific knowledge, systematic and experiential inquiry skills and attitudes corresponding with specialized anaesthesia practice needed to provide care for patients
You are Welcome to make use of this material considerably.
This module / course is covered in year 2 after anatomy and nursing. It entirely deals with drug, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynemics. It covers drugs under several classes which include: Anti-microbials, Ant-Systemics, ........ that will be covered by different facilitators depending on their specialities. Its a pre-requiste to Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Surgery and Gynecology & Obstetrics mainly
Facilitator: WABWIRE Paul Francis
Email: wabwirepaulfrancis@yahoo.com
Tel: +250787902276
Dept. Clinical Medicine and Community Health
The module of Clinical Placement I is intended to equip the year one anesthesia students with basic nursing practice.
This module reviews and examines the major components of the human immune system to obtain the theoretical basis for the laboratory testing in clinical immunology and provides student with the background to present explanations for clinical immunologic assays limitation, interpretations and malfunction. The theoretical aspect includes immune responses and complexes, the complement system, missregulations, immundeficienes, Production, use of antibodies and immune reactions-iimunoassays and Cellular Techniques focus on Plaque forming cell (PFC) assay. The students will be able to perform an ELISA or Enzyme immunoassay according to standard operating procedure (SOP) for HIV / hepatitis assays and perform and quantitate the number of CD4 T-cell lymphocytes by flow cytometery/ FACSCount.
Dear students,
Welcome to the chemical pathology IV module I am excited about teaching this course and hope you are equally excited about taking it. This course is proposed to offer basic and advanced skills in clinical chemistry which used in the biomedical sciences field. Chemical pathology IV provides an opportunity for students to learn special chemistry laboratory tests and understand their applications in clinical, pharmacy, research, public health settings , etc
This module focuses on lipids and cardiovascular diseases(CVD), inherited errors of metabolism(IEM), tumor markers(TM), therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM), chemical toxicology, and drug poisoning.
e-mail:karenzivava@gmail.com or v.karenzi@ur.ar.rw
This course provide to the students from year one the information,knowledge and skills in medical nursing,surgery nursing and infection control;also it can show how manage the community faced on outbreak or other communicable diseases to figh against spreading of
Welcome to this course which will look at some disorders of the endocrine system and their management with an emphasize on diabetes mellitus and thyroid disorders.
The course will be delivered using classroom presentation, individual or group assignments and online articles and materials in the library for further reading as self directed learning.
This course aims to equip students with knowledge and skill .................
Module Aim
This module is designed to enable learners understand and practice the principles and practices of ultrasound in obstetrics & gynaecological sonography. And introduction to small parts, vascular and musculoskeletal ultrasound.
Learning Outcome
At the end of the module, the learners will be able to perform obstetrics and gynaecology ultrasound procedures. And the learner will be able to know about introduction to small parts, vascular and musculoskeletal ultrasound.
Teacher's : KAYITESI Isabelle & Dr. ODUMERU Emmanuel
This module enables learners to integrate knowledge gained from previous program modules in the treatment of clients with various conditions.
This module is aimed to provide basic knowledge of radiographic examination,imaging modalities and basic interpretation.
Peadiatric Rehabilitation is about the health promotion, disease prevention and treatment of neonates, children, school going children as well as adolescents.