This course will help students to understand the technological process involved in beverage preparation/processing. The student should have studied pre-requisite courses such as Biochemistry, Introduction to Food Sciences and Processing.
The module is taught in 2 units:
1. Non-alcoholic beverage: by Dr. Marie Gorretti Umuhozariho tel: 0788760764
2. Alcoholic beverage: by Dr. Clement Bitwayiki tel: 0788508388
The Meat Science and Technology module is designed for 3rd year students in BSc Food Science and Technology at the College of Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine – University of Rwanda. It is aimed at enabling students to develop a broad and in depth knowledge, skills and expertise on various aspect of meat science and technology including but not limited to Animal slaughter and slaughtering techniques; Inspection, cutting and grading of meat; Analysis of meat and meat products; Meat preservation techniques; Microbiology and spoilage of meat and meat products; Production and handling of poultry products; Microbiology and spoilage of fish and fish products; Fish science and technology, The principles of meat processing, meat pigments, flavor and color change. The course conciliates theory to practical sessions to achieve the intended modules outcomes.
Milk chemical composition, milk proteins (casein proteins, whey proteins, proteins in milk fat globule membrane), milk per-treatment ( Cold storage, homogenization, centrifugation), milk quality testing (density measurement, titratable acidity, fat content, resazurin test, antibiotic test), and Milk/Dairy products like fluid milks, concentrated and condensed milks, fat-rich milk products, fermented milk products, frozen dairy products, as well as dried milk.
Dear students Welcome!
I would like to introduce you to the module entitled "Legumes Science and Technology". I hope you enjoy learning with me.
Facilitator, Alice NAYABO
General Information
During the module, lectures will be used to provide background information and basics of the module.
The lecturer will provide the opportunity for discussion of the topics with the students. She/ he will direct students to electronic sources and articles relevant to the topics of lectures which make the students read more in the relevant topics. In addition, practical work will reinforced and facilitate students to understand various topics that will be given in lectures. Visits the relevant processing facilities and laboratory activities will be carried out.
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed the module, the students should be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the chemical composition of legumes;
- Discuss the processing technologies of legumes derived products;
- Describe the working principles of legumes processing equipments
Also students should be able to:
- Apply acquired knowledge and skills to make legumes based products,
- Assess the quality of raw materials and finished legumes derived products,
- Explain the relation of the chemical composition of legumes with their derived products,
- Apply different processing techniques of legumes
- Conduct research and communicate findings in the legumes areas
Indicative Content
- Description of the main legumes grown and consumer in region,
- Production and Utilization of legumes
- Chemical composition of legumes, nutritional and anti-nutritional factors of legumes
- Postharvest techniques of legumes:
- (A) Storage: Hardening of legume seeds during storage: (1) Hard shell defect, (2) Hard-to-** (HTC) phenomenom, (3) Physicochemical and Biochemical changes of legumes during storage and
- (B) Processing technology: beans canning, soy milk and tofu processing technology, oils extraction, etc
- Effect of processing on nutritional value of legumes,
- Quality control of legume products,
Assessment Strategy will include
- Both formative and summative assessment as well as related activities (assignments, field visits, case studies, working with communities, etc) will be carried out in the form of continuous assessment (CAT) at 50% of total assessment weight;
- Final exam will be conducted at the end of module teaching will carry 50% of the total assessment weight.