Course image Hospital Attachment One

Welcome message

You are welcome to module two. This module of  Hospital Attachment One introduces you to the background of the health facility, problem definition and magnitude  and specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound  objective.  

This module helps students to  describe the background of their respective  health facilities, define the existing problems associated to quality of care and come up with objective to address them.

It is taught to first year of study for Master of Hospital and Healthcare Administration students.

It is practical module because students spend most of their time in their respective health facilities. Facilitators make regular supervision and guide students depending on the support needed by each student. After collecting required information on each section, reports are submitted to MHA-department for review. Normally, two reports are submitted following guidelines provided in the template that were designed by MHA-program.  

Course image DPEPI0901104: Descriptive Epidemiology

This unit is part of the module entitled Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Public Health, Research and Computing Basics in the program of  Hospital and Healthcare Administration (MHA). This is a Master's degree Program. The module is intended to introduce the principles of epidemiology, biostatistics, research method, public health and computing and demonstrate the relevance of these principles and practices in the leadership and management of health care organizations. It includes concepts and case studies that support the essential theories, methods, and application in the health care delivery system.

At the end of this course of epidemiology, students are expected to have acquired knowledge and skills on the following topics: