Course image PHY2263: Classical Mechanics II
Semester II

Classical Mechanics II is the mathematically sophisticated reformulation of Newtonian mechanics and consists of Lagrangian mechanics and Hamiltonian mechanics. Not only does Classical Mechanics II enable us to solve problems efficiently, but it also opens up a route leading to quantum mechanics and Statistical Mechanics. Latterly the language and ideas of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics have found fruit in the description of the behavior of certain Chaotic systems. The section of the module on the Calculus of Variations provides the formulation of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, the d’Alembert’s Principle is also studied in the formulation of Equations of Lagrange. 

Course image PHY2262 Remote Sensing and GIS
Semester II

Brief description of the module and content

This module asserts that the best way to achieve solution of real problem starts with identifying spatially critical source of it. The module recognizes the relevant attitude, knowledge and skills that all students need to outperform in real problem solving in geospatial atmosphere. It is designed to establish the strong basis for innovative problem identification and solving with introduction to important remote sensing and GIS technology. As the program requires students to spend much of their time thinking spatially about problems stressing the world, there is guarantee that they will be capable to apply such technology outside of classroom in environmental related problem solving. Consequently, they built a building block of knowledge and skills necessary to meet requirements of challenging professional life.

The module intends to strengthen students in physical geospatial problem solving by providing them with relevant remote sensing and Geographical information system (GIS) knowledge and skills so that they can highly and well perform in community.

Consequently,  students will learn both hardware and software requirements for remotely sensed data management/analysis, modelling, visualization and communication. The topics that will be covered among others are Remotely sensed data for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis and applications, Basic GIS operations and commercial GIS software packages.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, student will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate understanding of fundamental GIS concepts and data in GIS
  2. Demonstrate understanding of GIS components and operations
  3. Demonstrate understanding of fundamental Remote Sensing concepts and information transport
  4. Demonstrate understanding of GIS analysis of data and its applications using commercial packages
  5. Interpret and deduce logical conclusions from GIS analysis
  6. Treat remotely sensed data using commercial software tools
  7. Manipulate spatial data and make valid conclusions

Contact information

TELEPHONE: (+250)784416107