Course image FLM2273: Tree propagation and Improvement
Semester 2

This Module aims at providing students the knowledge on tree seed technology from seed production; tree nursery establishment and management, and tree genetics and tree improvement principles. The modules will also explore different tree propagation methods  namely, vegetative propagation and seed propagation at Nursery level


Course image FLM2272: Forest Management
Semester 2

Forest management is the process of planning and implementing practices for the stewardship and use of forests to meet specific environmental, economic, social and cultural objectives. It deals with the administrative, economic, legal, social, technical and scientific aspects of managing natural and planted forests.

Course image FLM2271 : Forest Resource assessment
Semester 2

This module aims to enable you to handle various equipment used in forest mensuration, be able to measure different parameters (e.g. height, diameter) and volume of logs and standing trees, and be able to estimate the volume and growth of tree stands at any give time and to further estimate the yield. You will also learn how to conduct an inventory and how and when to use the different forest sampling techniques.