Course image VET5221: Veterinary entrepreneurship and business management
Semester 2


The module consists of three components: Project Planning& Management, Entrepreneurship AND Animal Health & Production Economics.

Course image VET5222: Veterinary Legislation, ethics and Jurisprudence
Semester 2

Brief description and aims of the module

The aim of this module is to transfer knowledge and understanding of art and practice, veterinary extension, ethics and rights of veterinarian and create awareness on existing standards, regulations and laws pertinent to veterinary practice both national and international.

Learning Outcomes

The module is made up of four modules:

- Veterinary legislation: 3 Credits

- Art and practice in veterinary medicine: 2 Credits

- Veterinary Extension: 3 Credits

- Ethics and rights in veterinary Medicine: 2 Credits

 Having successfully completed the module, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

- Veterinary legislation, Art and practice in veterinary medicine, Veterinary Extension, Ethics and rights in veterinary Medicine

- Understand the relevance of context during veterinary policy analysis

- Know how to practice ethical rules and regulations governing veterinary profession

- Demonstrate an understanding of veterinary extension methods and approaches

Provide technical advice and guidance on veterinary ethics and jurisprudence.

- Conduct animal health  policy evaluation interventions

- Take responsibility for their class attendance and completion of their practical assignments

- Demonstrate an ability to act autonomously (to deliver an oral presentation)

- Demonstrate an ability to work independently and as part of a team (individual& group assignments)

- Demonstrate the ability to search for empirical data to support the content of their animal husbandry program planning and evaluation

- Work under little supervision or direction

- Approach and develop animal health polices

- Apply veterinary extension approaches in livestock enterprises

- Approaches of conducting ethic regulation in veterinary medicine profession

- Orally present defend veterinary medicine profession at various forum institution

Indicative Content

Veterinary jurisprudence and legislation

- Introduction and definitions, different laws related to veterinary profession in Rwanda: law No 54/2008 determining the prevention and fight against contagious diseases for domestic animals in Rwanda, Ministerial order determining the organization of veterinary pharmacy practice (No 008/11.30), law establishing Rwanda Council of Veterinary Doctors. International legislations and conventions related to veterinary domain: OIE – history, mandates, objectives, OIE codes, OIE guidelines on veterinary services, WAHIS, OIE listed diseases. Codex Alimentarius – Introduction, Codex Alimentarius Commission, codex standards, codex standards  guidelines. 5 animal welfare freedoms, OIE standards on animal welfare: slaughter of animals for human consumption, slaughter of animals for disease control, transportation of livestock by land. Ministerial order No 012/11.30 on animal slaughtering and meat inspection. Risk analysis – definition, components, variation in approach, risk assessment questions, risk management questions, risk analysis in the SPS world, risk analysis initiation points, how risk analysis is done, process overview. Risk Management for Animal Health in International Trade - OIE risk analysis process, risk management - The Appropriate Level of Protection, mitigations – reduce risk of release, reduce risk of exposure, decrease severity of consequences. Identifying mitigation: illustration with sheep virus example, international veterinary certificate, importing and exporting countries responsibilities, mitigation evaluation. Risk of FMD introduction. 

Ethics and Rights in Veterinary Practice

- Ethics and the veterinary profession, Veterinarian-farmer relationship, Hippocrates oath, professional relationship with other veterinary colleagues, use and misuse of drugs, microorganism use and misuse in laboratories, ethical dilemmas in the practice of veterinary medicine, consumer protection, prescription writing, human rights and the veterinary profession, labour laws, law of compensation, children’s rights, rights of farmers, rights of the public, animal rights.

Veterinary extension

- Introduction to the concepts of veterinary extension education; Principles and Philosophy of Veterinary Extension; Importance and relevance of veterinary extension including the history of Agricultural Extension in Rwanda; Veterinary Extension approaches, methods and tools; Planning an extension education programs; Public and private veterinary services.

Learning and Teaching Strategy

- Lectures

- Practical sessions using real examples. 

- Self- learning via group work by oral presentation of specific topics

- Field visit.

- Assignments

- Tutorials and seminar presentations

- Essay and Multiple-choice questions

Assessment Strategy

The Assessment will include the Continuous Assessment Tests (CAT) and the final exams. The CAT will comprise presentations of case studies, laboratory reports and structured exam-like tests. A final examination will be given at the end of the semester.

Assessment Pattern


Weighting (%)

Continuous assessment


Seminars/ Group Assignments


Final assessment:




Strategy for feedback and student support during module

- Students fill teacher evaluation forms

- Examination results and performances

- References books related to the modules

- Teaching staff for consultation

- Exercises supporting course and their quick marking

Other important requirements

Lecture Room


LCD Projector


Scholastic Materials





Indicative Resources

- D.C Clay and Y.M.J Dejaegher. Agro-ecological zones: the development for regional classification scheme for Rwanda

- Dennis Garrity1,John Dixon,Jean-Marc Boffa3     Understanding African Farming Systems: Science and Policy Implications Syndney 29-30th November 2012

- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and World Bank Group. 2001. Farming Systems and Poverty: Improving Farmers' Livelihoods in a Changing World. Rome: FAO.

- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2000. Small Ponds Make a Big Difference: Integrating Fish with Crop and Livestock Farming. Rome: FAO.

- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2001. Mixed Crop-Livestock Farming: A Review of Traditional Technologies based on Literature and Field Experience. Animal Production and Health Papers 152. Rome: FAO.

- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2003. Integrated livestock-fish farming systems. Rome: FAO.

- International Fund for Agricultural Development. 2008. Improving Crop-Livestock Productivity through Efficient Nutrient Management in Mixed Farming Systems of Semi-arid West Africa. (accessed 8 May 2008). Limited, London, Uk.

The master plan of milk chin in Rwanda ; may 2009

- Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion-Republic of Rwanda (2011). National Policy against Gender Based Violence.

- African Development Bank Group (2008). Rwanda-Gender assessment: Progress towards improving women’s economic status

- Sofa T. and Doss C. (2011). The role of women in agriculture. Agricultural Development Economics Division. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. ESA Working Paper No 11-02.

Teaching Team:

- Charles NKURANGA (

- Emmanuel IRIMASO (


Course image VET5223: Surgery III
Semester 2

Welcome to the Surgery III (Head, Neck, Thorax and Orthopedic) Module

 The module consists of two components: Head, Neck and thorax surgery and orthopedic surgery.

During this module you will discover: 

        i.            Head, Neck and thorax surgery:

Surgical conditions of the Head, Neck and thorax, consolidate block in elective and emergence surgical operations; Diagnose, treat cases of injuries, malformations, physiological complications status using their hands and surgical instruments.

      ii.            Orthopedic surgery:

Gain a knowledge and understanding of the determinants underlying musculoskeletal and lameness conditions requiring surgical intervention in companion and livestock animals in veterinary medicine and to diagnose and resolve any musculoskeletal cases.


  1. Dr Gervais Ndazigaruye 

Course image VET5224: Research Projects
Semester 2

Welcome to research project module

The module of research project in veterinary medicine program offers to students and their research supervisors, a unique opportunity to (1) identify relevant research question (s) faced by livestock farmers, (2) apply the accumulated knowledge to design a suitable methodology that will be used to collect data and (3) come up with critical analysis to the challenges identified and potentially, provide solutions to community. The research project comprises various activities leading to research project report writing and presentation.