Course image CPR4121 Project Development, Monitoring and Evaluation
Semester 1

The module aims to facilitate the students on the development of knowledge, skills and expertise to make them understand the concepts of Project Development for planning to execution of projects, and the feasibility analysis in Project Monitoring & Evaluation, network analysis tools for cost and time estimation; to enable them to comprehend the fundamentals of Contract Administration, Costing and Budgeting in developing an agribusiness project, and to make them capable to analyze, apply and appreciate contemporary project management tools and methodologies in Rwandan context.

Course image CPR4122 Post-harvest technologies of Horticulture Produce
Semester 1

Aim: This module aims at giving to the students basic principles and concepts to enable the students to comprehend food science and technology


Content: Introduction to food science, Human nutrition, post harvesting and technology, food storage and handling and food processing

Course image CPR4123 Plant Biotechnology
Semester 1

Welcome to the component of plant Biotechnology!

Plant biotechnology is a powerful tool for the development of new plant traits and varieties, it  refers to techniques that include many techniques relevant to understanding  the genetic and biochemical  functions of organisms as well as those for making directed genetic modifications.This genetic engineering technology allows breeders to modify plants in an effort to  meet the demands of a fast- growing global community.

Course image CPR4124: Research Project I
Semester 1

The module initiates students on the writing and presentation of their degree research proposals.