Course image TRE463 Port and Harbour Engineering
Semester II

The module introduces students to port and harbor engineering as part of coastal engineering. It equips students with knowledge and skills in engineering applications at ports and harbors. It will develop the ability to analyze relevant topics pertaining to port and harbor engineering. It provides theoretical and practical modes for students to utilize in port and harbor engineering applications.

Course image WEE4261 Hydropower Engineering
Semester II

The course aim to provide the basic understanding of water turbines. This module covers further the design equations and illustrative examples of such hydraulic structures. It gives also an explicit understanding of hydropower generation and energy analysis. Having successfully completed this module, students should apply all procedures required for a complete feasibility study of a mini-hydropower project: Technical feasibility (or design), financial feasibility (or cost implications of the project), social feasibility and EIA of the project).  

Course image SGE4263 Land Use Planning II
Semester II

Greetings Dear Participants

This is to welcome you in Land Use Planning II

The aims of this module is to provide the students the knowledge on the understanding of Spatial data Information gathering from different sources, Spatial Analysis and layout & physical Plan preparation especially in urban set up.

Brief Description

This module is a continuation of land use planning I . it seeks to deepen student understanding of spatial data and spatial analysis in land use planning especially in urban set up. It will give students a basis to apply the skills and techniques learned to logistical and practical problems of cities and regions, including land use allocation and suitability assessment, landscape assessment and the impacts of urban growth. As a foundation for the applied issues to be addressed during the course, students will be familiarized with some basic planning concepts concerning land use, land development, infrastructural and landscape planning. Students are also expected to learn how to prioritize needs and work efficiently in a professional context, problem solving and communication skills through in-class discussions, on-line forum discussions and presentations.

Course image SGE4261 Land law
Semester II

This course introduces the concept and foundation of laws, then focuses on specific legal provisions relevant to surveying and geomatics engineering. By the end of the module learner should be able to:

  1. Familiarize with relevant legal terminologies and categorizations of laws.
  2. Explore major legal systems of the world and Rwandan legal system.
  3. Adhere to contract laws, environmental law, planning provisions and land law of Rwanda.
  4. Familiarize with provisions of law and professional ethics relating to surveying and  Geomatics engineering.
Course image SGE4266 Land Information Systems
Semester II

The course expands the scope of cadastre and land management. It is closely  related to GIS database and spacial data infrastructure. Legal issues regarding cadastre data sharing will also seen. Case study will also be presented to make learners  have a clear understanding of the subject.

Course image BCT4262 Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Semester II

This course covers Building Information Modeling (BIM), including its use and application for small and large-scale building construction projects. Students will learn terminology associated with buildings, the theory and evolution of BIM, and how to develop BIM models using Autodesk Revit. This course will also cover selected topics on how BIM is used to help prepare or feed into key project items, such as cost estimation, structural, MEP (Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing) architectural renderings, interfererence checking, and modeling of energy consumption.

Course image BCT4262 Building Information Modeling
Semester II

Brief description of aims 

This course covers Building Information Modeling (BIM), including its use and application for small and large-scale building construction projects. Students will learn terminology associated with buildings, the theory and evolution of BIM, and how to develop BIM models using Autodesk Revit.

This course will also cover selected topics on how BIM is used to help prepare or feed into key project items, such as cost estimation, structural, MEP (Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing) architectural renderings, interfererence checking, and modeling of energy consumption.

Course image CSE4262 Bridge Engineering
Semester II

The course aims at presenting the history of bridge engineering, different types of Bridges and materials of construction. It provides a body of knowledge and skills on design of bridges structures by introducing the fundamental concepts, principles and application for analysis and design of superstructure and substructure of Bridges. It also introduces practices for maintenance, inspection and aesthetics. Loading analysis and Design for different types of RC bridges, according to their materials and structures are discussed. 


Semester II

The course aims to provide the advanced analysis and design of special structures, assessment and monitoring of structures. It covers analysis and design of curved beams. The course will cover the design and analysis of plates. Design of box beams, Analysis and design of Box culverts. Analysis and design of composites structures, Analysis and Design of Silos.


Course image BCT4263 Environmentally Conscious Design and Construction
Semester II

Welcome Message

I Munderere Egide, will be your instructor in this module BCT4263 Environmentally Conscious Design and Construction. I want to welcome everyone and I would encourage everyone to actively participate in this important module. All students who have officially registered now have access to the BCT4263 Environmentally Conscious Design and Construction, so feel free to start exploring our online learning Environment. All details of the course can be found in this E-Learning Platform of the University of Rwanda, syllabus, module Description, Assignment,  Quiz and Teaching Plan. This Module will have weekly regular Quiz, Assignment, each of you must manage your own time each week to know when is Assignment and other weekly course obligations are due. We are looking forward a marvelous semester II with you. 

All the Best 

Course image CIV4262 Construction Equipment and Management
Semester II

Outcome of the Module

Having successfully completed the module, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: - Construction equipment depending on the nature of work. - Management of the construction equipment.

UNIT I - EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT Identification Planning Equipment Management in Projects Maintenance Management Replacement Cost Control of Equipment Depreciation Analysis Methods of calculation of depreciation Safety Management.

UNIT II - EARTHWORK EQUIPMENT Fundamentals of Earth Work Operations Earth Moving operations Types of Earthwork Equipment Tractors, Motor Graders, Scrapers, Front end Loaders, Earth Movers, capacity calculations.

UNIT III - PUMPS USED IN CONSTRUCTION Equipment for: Dredging Trenching Tunnelling Drilling and Blasting Equipment for compaction Equipment for Grouting Driving Equipment Equipment of Erection and demolition Types of pumps used in Construction.

UNIT IV - FORKLIFTS EQUIPMENTS - Forklifts and related equipment - Portable Material Bins - Conveyors - Chain Pulley Blocks.

UNIT V - SCREENING EQUIPMENT Crushers Feeders Screening Equipment Batching and Mixing Equipment Hauling equipment Pouring and Pumping Equipment Ready mixed concrete carriers



Weight (%)

In-course assessment:


Assignments (2)




 2 Quizes


Final assessment:




Course image CWE 4261 Integrated Water resources management & Planning
Semester II

The purpose of this course is to give students a wider understanding of principles of water resources planning and management The main objectives and contents of this course are based on understanding of water resource management approach, discussion on planning process and implementation of water resources projects, design and protection of watersheds as natural systems that benefit both human beings and the environment. Basic theories and design skills of rainwater harvesting systems and integrated water resources management (IWRM).

Course image WEE4262 Pollution Control and Waste Management
Semester II

The course aims to provide basics for pollution control in general.  The course enable students to be familiar and get understanding of air pollution transport and dispersion, pollution fate and control.  The course discusses techniques to manage solid wastes and hazardous wastes.

Course image SOE4261 Environmental Management
Semester II

Dear Students Welcome to this course of SOE4261: Environmental Management!

This course is for Civil Engineering students and it aims to provide an understanding of the importance of Environmental management tools in the project /program designs and implementation. It provides a clear understanding of the linkages between Environment & Development, understanding of EIA, EA, SEA and builds confidence with their applications and limitations. The module helps to integrate environmental protection measures in deferent projects/programs before their implementation. 

The module deals with basic principles to integrate environmental protection measures in deferent projects/programs before their implementation. It introduces to students a description of Environmental Impact Assessment, project-based risk management, environmental management in an organization, environmental risk considerations in policymaking, risk communication, and sources of legal regulation of environmental problems.

Dear students, be motivated and engage all your motives in this course. At the end of this module, you will be able to: 

1.       Describe the basics and importance of Environmental Impact Assessment;

2.       Assess environmental impacts of anthropogenic activities through the EIA process;

3.       Conduct the Strategic Impact Assessment on policies, plans, or programs;

4.       Integrate the international treaties, conventions, national policies, laws, and standards in environmental protection;

5.     Conduct environmental auditing  for measuring the effects of certain activities on the environment


Dr. Télesphore Kabera, Email:

Mr. Elisée Gashugi, Email:

Mr. Jean Claude Safari, Email:

Mr. Joseph Hahirwabasenga, Email:

Mr. Remy Patrick Tumwizere, Email:

Kigali City view

Course image BCT4261 Advanced Construction Technology
Semester II

Dear Students,

This is the note your first time to hear/learn/interact with the term construction technology. Hopefully you did even several times. However, with this module we are talking about advanced construction/ massive projects/very big projects/tall buildings/underground construction projects /special project (in their nature). Hence these projects carries the name advanced rather than convention construction projects/ conventional construction technologies/construction techniques you are used to. Special materials, expertise and of course tools and equipment's are likely to differ to what are used to in convectional construction technology.

Please take time to explore and to make more research beyond the few examples will be seeing in every unit/lecture or chapter.

Note that advance construction is more mechanized and involves advanced expertise and techniques

Course image SGE4262 Digital Terrain Modelling
Semester II

The aims of this subject are:

  • To provide an understanding of the fundamental principles and techniques of Digital terrain modeling and visualization;
  • To enable students become proficient in the use of conventional and modern techniques for digital terrain modeling and visualization;
  • To enable students to properly apply cartographic principles and methods to practical terrain modeling and visualization problems. English communication skills, team spirit and critical thinking attributes will be fostered in the teaching and learning process, through mini individual and group projects and class discussions.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module learners should able to:

  1. Define various types of terrain modeling and visualization techniques
  2. Explain the triangulation and interpolation techniques
  3. Interpret various types of terrain parameters
  4. Define various types of terrain modeling and visualization techniques
  5. Explain the triangulation and interpolation techniques
  6. Interpret various types of terrain parameters
  7. Apply different modelling techniques for a given set of data

viii.Critically analyze DTM products

  1. Confidently design and execute a DTM project according to client’s requirements
Course image Water System Modelling and Simulation
Semester II

Water System Modelling and Simulation is intended to introduce learners to the aspect of modelling in water resources. This gives background on identifying and evaluating alternative water resources system designs or management plans on the basis of their economic, ecological, environmental, and social or political impacts. Students learn the basic concepts of modelling, understand the application of modelling, be able to formulate a model, solve constraint optimization models and be able to evaluate water distribution network and sewerage networks using EPANET and SWMM models respectably.