Course image CSC3264: Research Methodology
Semester II

Summary of the module:

This module on research methodology aims to assist students to plan well and execute their final year projects.  It addresses the essential concerns of the structure, conduct and reporting of research that necessarily includes proposal writing also.  It covers the constituent considerations and ordering of problem identification, assumptions, justification, scope, limitations, organization, literature review and information sources, objectives, hypothesis setting and testing, research questions, theoretical and conceptual frameworks, research design, design of experiments (including manufacture of prototype or experimental rig), sampling, research methods, data collection methods, field tools and techniques, techniques of data measurement, statistical as well as computer supports for data analysis,  interpretations, conclusions, recommendations and implications as well as financial and time budgeting (Scheduling and Gantt Charts).   Technical report writing and approaches to referencing are also given emphasis.

Learning outcomes of the module:

A. Knowledge & Understanding:

Having successfully completed the module, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

A1. The meaning and purpose of research in computer engineering

A2. The importance and relevance of methodology in inquiry

A3. The scientific method and the value of scientific theory in inquiry

B. Cognitive/ Intellectual Skills/ Application of Knowledge:

Having successfully completed the module, students should be able to:

B1. Identify and delineate a researchable problem.

B2. Conduct a critical review of relevant literature

B3. Develop consistent theoretical and conceptual frameworks

B4. Prepare effective, valid and reliable research designs.

B5. Assemble usable field tools that reflect practical data measurement scales.

B6. Obtain credible representative field data.

B7. Carry out competent automated statistical analysis.

B8. Abstract convincing inferences from observed data trends

B9. Prepare readable research reports that adhere to convention

C. Communication/ ICT/ Numeracy/ Analytic Techniques/ Practical Skills:

Having successfully completed the module, students should be able to:

C1. Write effective project and research proposals.

C2. Conduct repeatable scientific inquiry

C3. Disseminate research results conventionally through seminars, conferences and reports

D. General Transferable Skills:

Having successfully completed the module, students should be able to:

D1. Undertake lifelong self-learning in the relevant and related areas.

D2. Produce relevant and true reports

Course image CSC3263: Software Project Management
Semester II

This course is aimed to providing an understanding of the notions of project management. It also provides insight to various project functions including planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. The course also introduces the various approaches to handle project risks.

The introduction discusses software engineering concepts and then after the course  dwells more on software project management.

Course image CSC3261: E-COMMERCE
Semester II

This course will examine the aspects of electronic commerce. Topics include internet development, EDS, security, network connectivity and privacy. Basic business practices using electronic commerce will also be covered. This course covers tools, skills, business concepts, and social issues that surround the emergence of electronic commerce. The student will develop an understanding of the current practices and
opportunities in EDI, electronic publishing, electronic shopping, electronic distribution, electronic collaboration and database issues. Other issues include standards, security, authentication, privacy, intellectual property, acceptable use, legal liability, and
economic analysis.

Course image CSC3265: Industrial Attachment
Semester II


This module aims at imparting the learner shop floor experience on popular computers and software in the industry. Trainees will be exposed to the shop floor environment with practical skills on the applications of computer hardware and software in the industry with special emphasis on theory and practice of Computer automation and development of Computer Software and software systems. It is seen as an integral part, where the students need to use their initiative to translate theories learnt in classrooms and perform assignments in an actual working environment.


The objectives of the module are as follows:

  • To provide an opportunity for students to discover, learn about, and familiarize with industry of their discipline, and with organizations within the industry. Students will acquire interpersonal skills through meeting with professionals in their field of study.
  • To provide an opportunity for students to observe real-life practices and implementation of theoretical lessons and principles. Students will acquire practical skills and experience working on projects and alongside industry experts.
  • To provide the opportunity for the industry to identify potential employees from among the industrial trainees and to feedback comments on the programme. Students will benefit from coursework tailored to meet training expectations of the industry.
  • To ensure coursework and training programmes satisfy the expectations of the industry, and ensure the programmes are relevant and up to date.


A. Knowledge & Understanding          :

Having successfully completed the module, students need not have to:

A.1. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the principles and concepts of computing since this is a practice oriented module involving application.

B. Cognitive/ Intellectual Skills/ Application of Knowledge            :

Having successfully completed the TRAINING, students should be able to:

B.1. Select and apply appropriate mathematical methods for modelling and analyzing real world computer science problems.

B.2. Use scientific principles in the development of solutions to problems in the design and development of computer Hardware and software.

C. Communication/ ICT/ Numeracy/ Analytic Techniques/ Practical Skills :

Having successfully completed the Training, students should be able to:

C.1. Use competently and safely standard electrical/electronic/computer laboratory instrumentation in the shop floor.

C.2. Observe and record accurately data and experimental evidence both in the laboratory and in the industrial environment

C.3. Analyse evaluate and interpret measured or observed data in the shopfloor

C.4. Plan the installation and maintenance of computer hardware, software, computer systems and equipment in practical work environments.

C.5. Demonstrate an awareness of practical computing skills in terms of Hardware and Software required in Industrial Practice.

C.6. Use computational tools and packages appropriate to the area of production or manufacture.

D. General Transferable Skills         :

Having successfully completed the Training, students should be able to:

D.1. Work effectively in a team both as a member or leader in the work environment.

D.2. Efficiently manage both time and resources observing deadlines etc.

D.3. Communicate effectively the solutions arrived with the help of circuit Diagrams, Flow Diagrams, and Design Charts in practical situations.

D.4. Demonstrate numerical skills and problem solving skills pertaining to real world problems.

D.5. Use competently information technology (ICT) and relevant tools.