Semester 1

This module will equip students with strong practical skills in regard to integrating forest activities into other land use options for environmental, ecological, and socio-economic issues.

The attachment report will be evaluated by the teaching staff of the departments. The external supervisor will daily evaluate the internees and award marks which will be part of the final score for the students.

Strategy for feedback and student support during the module

During this module, the lecturer will interact with students with their external supervisors. Questions will be asked orally, students will obtain further help in their studies by approaching their lecturers at mutually convenient times. 

Also, a supervising lecturer will visit you at the industrial attachment placement so that you interact on the daily activities you are engaged in, the lessons that you are gaining challenges encountered and how you mitigate them, and if the activities carried out met the modules' intended learning outcome.

The field supervising lecturer will also meet the field supervisor to discuss the progress of the students, including professional ethics, and eagerness to learn.

The School Industrial Attachment Coordinator is Dr. Margueritte Mukangango.

Phone: (+250) 788545889


Course image AFO3123:Extension and communication
Semester 1

 The module aims at developing the students’ listening and reading skills, Academic Essay writing skills and referencing techniques; professional writing skills including letter, report, minute writing etc, to equip students with advanced computer application skills and learn how to use the computer as a problem-solving tool (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access) and to provide students with Networking and internet skills. The student will address the Agricultural Extension System and approaches of agricultural extension.

Course image AF3124: Introduction to Research
Semester 1

Research is a careful and detailed study into a specific problem, concern, or issue using the scientific method. In research you try and learn something by performing an experiment, usually when there is a problem that necessitate a solution. The role of statistics in research is to function as a tool in designing research, analyzing its data and drawing conclusions therefrom.

In this module, you will learn how to generate research projects from a problem, methods of data collection and analyse collected data statistically to generate results/information necessary to guide the process of problem solving

Course image AFO3121: Agroforestry Systems and Practices
Semester 1
Welcome message
Dear students,
elcome to the module of Agroforestry Systems and Practices.

By the end of this module, students should be able to differentiate different types of agroforestry systems, describe components interaction in agroforestry systems and identify and describe principles standards and practices of organic farming.