Course image FOR 3224: Forest Business Management
Semester 2

FOR 3224: Forest Business Management

General introduction to the course

Dear students, welcome to the module of Forest Business management (FOR 3224)

Aim of the module

The module aims at providing students an in-depth knowledge of utilization and marketing of the various agroforestry products. It is also concerned with value chain analysis of both the crop and tree components in an agroforestry system. It further equips students with a piece of knowledge on how to conduct agricultural surveys.


Basic description of the module

Small and medium enterprises are aimed at making profit from forest-based activity. They can offer a trajectory out of poverty and play a major role in securing poor people’s basic needs, spreading wealth locally, enabling local innovation and preserving cultural identity and practices. SMFEs grouped together in clusters or associations can reduce transaction costs for the poor, develop strategic alliances and shape the political environment through lobbying on behalf of the poor. The aim of the module is to impart knowledge and skills to students on: Entrepreneurship, marketing strategies and channels, Value chain analysis and Certification for high quality products.


Intended learning outcomes

  1. Define the concept and principles of marketing
  2. Carry out market studies for a wood product
  3. Describe strategies for marketing forest products
  4. The concept of SMFES taking into account their categories and characteristics
  5. Roles played by SMFES in poverty alleviation
  6. Methods of value chain analysis
  7. Stages of value chain analysis
  8. Carrying out agricultural survey

Indicative content

1. Agroforestry products and utilization

2. Marketing of AF exploitation 

3. Conducting agriculture surveys

4. Concept of Small and Medium Forest enterprises (SMFEs)

5. SMFEs characteristics, roles and challenges

6. Principles of business management

7. Product value chain analysis


Teaching team

Dr Festus Maniriho, e-mail address:

Dr. Canisius Mugunga, e-mail address:

Mr. Mapendo Mindje, e-mail address:


Module assessment:

Quizzes: 15%

Assignments: 15%

Practical work: 20%

Final examination: 50%



Time allocation

The present module will be taught and assessed within 3 weeks


Course image FOR3221 Forest Biotechnology
Semester 2

This module aims to introduce students to how plants (trees, in particular), can be utilized in biotechnological applications. Students will study key biological principles that underlie their ability to manipulate plants to yield desirable characteristics, develop a framework for assessing the human health and ecological implications of plant biotechnology and appreciate laboratory techniques important for the manipulation of plants in biotechnology.