Course image Microeconometrics
Semester 3

The main aim of the module is to give the students a common ground for the Microeconometrics methods needed for the analysis of cross-sectional and panel data. The module covers selected linear models, non linear models and panel data models.

Course image Advanced Macroeconomics_ Batch 4 Econometrics
Semester 3

  • Features of the module
This module will mainly cover models of economic growth both classical and neoclassical. Accordingly, the main reading is David Romer’s (2012). AdvancedMacroeconomics (4th ed), however, lecture notes will also be essential though they will not cover all parts of the book. 
  • Learning outcomes:
At the end of this module, students will be able to:
  1. Distinguish between alternative ways of analyzing economic growth and development
  2. Derive models of economic growth and development
  3. Apply the above-derived models to empirical problems using real data.

  • Main teacher:

Dr Yvonne Umulisa