Course image MEP6244: Quantum Physics
Masters of Education in Physics Education
This module presents to students the fundamentals principles in quantum physics and it is divided into two parts:
Part one starts by describing physical phenomena which led to the development of quantum physics principles such as the wave particle duality, existence of four quantum numbers including electron spin. Descriptions extend to electromagnetic radiations such as x-rays and lasers and (their applications) which results from atomic transitions.
Part two of the module presents the fundamentals principles of quantum mechanics of one single particle in one dimension and of hydrogene like atoms. In particular, this part presents mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics with particular focus on the Schrodinger equation and interpretation of its solutions.
Course image MEP6243: Mathematical and Computational Methods for Physics
Masters of Education in Physics Education
The aim of this module is to introduce fundamental theorems of vector analysis, Fourier series and Fourier transforms, second order differential equations, mathematical physics equations and their applications in physics. The module also gives a practical introduction for physicists with little or no computing experience to the use of computer programming as a tool for physics. It will also give an introduction to the techniques of computational physics with various applications.