Brief description of aims and content
The aim of the course is to study the spatial patterns of the waters of the earth, their occurrence, circulation, distribution, their physico-chemical properties, and water interactions with their environment including their relationship with the living things. The module will explore both physical and engineering hydrology.
Physics and chemistry for geography is a special package that reflects important scientific inputs for the geography curriculum, offered by other departments of the School of Sciences, e.g. Physics and Chemistry. In this module the students will be introduced to the parts of physics which are required in understanding the physical laws of optics. In addition, students will be introduced to parts of chemistry which give to students some elements of chemistry able to allow them to understand some chemical reactions happening in fields of geomorphology, water and soil pollution, soil evolution, degradation and climatology. For conciseness and clearness delivery of this module, it includes two Units. The first unit for relevant Physics materials and second for chemistry materials.
Having successfully completed the module, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: The basics of Geometric Optics and the behavior of light in mirrors, dioptrics, prisms, lenses and optical instruments; The basics of Wave Optics and the phenomena of Light Interference and diffraction; The basics of General and Inorganic Chemistry; Apply appropriate knowledge for explaining and analyzing phenomena of Optics and Chemistry; Use the main relations and skills in solving theoretical problems in Optics and Chemistry; Derive and analyze formulae in Optics and Chemistry; Solve simple exercises in Optics and Chemistry;
Record, make treatment and interpret research data; Communicate and work effectively in a team both as a member or leader; Undertake self-learning in Optics and Chemistry phenomena
Produce simple reports of group work.
Responsibles of the module: UWANYIRIGIRA Donath, SIBOMANA Jean Bosco and SIBOSIKO Consolee
Brief description of aims and content
The rural space module provides a general understanding of rural spaces with a particular emphasis on Africa and Rwanda. The course deals mainly with the description of the rural landscape, the rural economy and an introduction to rural planning approaches. To all components of the course, spatial aspects are integrated and analyzed.
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed the module, students should be able to:
1. Know and explain rural Geography elements
2. Explain rural development process
3. Know and understand basic concepts and approaches of rural planning
4. Describe a typical rural landscape
5. Explain the concept of rural development
6. Describe and explain the role of agriculture in rural development with reference to Rwanda
7. Analyse rural livelihood in general and in Rwanda in particular
8. Describe and explain types of rural-urban interactions in general and in Rwanda as a case study
9. Explain some approaches used in rural planning (land evaluation, land use planning, poverty reduction strategies)
10. Identify spatial information needed in rural planning, and perform some spatial analysis related to rural planning
Aim of the course
The main objective of this module is to introduce to the participants the principal aspects of urban Geography such as urbanization processes, urban activities, urban structures, urban problems in order to allow students to perceive the role of urban planning all over the world.
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed the module, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate broad knowledge in the field of urban Geography all over the world in general and in developing word and in Rwanda in particular
- Understand processes of urbanization and the constraints related to the rapid urbanization in developing countries
- Identify unexplored aspects of urban Geography in Rwanda and Eastern Africa
- Know the role of urbanization on the national economy
- Analyze tables, maps, charts to deduct appropriate information relating to urban Geography
- Carry out investigations on a problem in a city or a town
- Collect, organize, analyze and display data relating to an urban problem or issue and communicate the results to urban planners meetings, stakeholders intervening in solving urban problems, administrative meeting at district, sector, cell level;
- Use GIS softwares and Microsoft package to organize and present data
- Work individually or in a group in addressing some urban problems and issues
- Take responsibility in conducting and evaluating urban issues and problems in the
- Ernest UWAYEZU
- Theodomir BARIFASHE