Course image General Microbiology
Trimester 2

General Microbiology equips the students with knowledge and skills in microbiology and lays foundation for understanding future courses like Food Microbiology and Food Hygiene. This course gives an overview of scientists that have contributed in the advancement of microbiology and practical sessions in preparations of culture media and various culture techniques of microorganims on solid media and in liquid media. 

Course image CPR2224 : Agricultural Production Economics
Trimester 2

 This course is about consumer theory, producer theory, macroeconomic aggregates, activities in production unity, systems of production and factors of production in agricultural sector, agricultural production, commercialization of agricultural produce, agricultural revenues, role of agricultural sector in economic development, analysis of main indicators of structure and evolution of Rwandan economy, farm management in Rwanda, rural cooperative and association operation & agricultural marketing.


Aims (Goals):  


-          Understanding basics economic principles.

-          Understanding the agricultural sector

-          Enabling students to apply  basics of economic principles to the real problem of agricultural sector

-          Gaining basic knowledge of economic principles and agricultural economics



6.3. Learning outcomes: 

- Be able to handle basics of economic principles

- Students should understand the particularities of agricultural sector

- Be able to apply basics of economic principles to the real problems of agricultural sector